Cards notification payload

See the payload object of the webhook event in Cards

Background Info on Webhook Events

When transactions happen, event notifications are delivered to you through your pre-configured webhook URL.

You can follow the steps on how to configure the webhook URL in your BaseOne dashboard Developer settings.

The payload body of an event received through a webhook URL looks like the following:

"payload": {
  "EventName": "CardNotification"
  "EventTime": "2022-080-15 01:15:30"
  "EventService": "CardTransactionNotification"
  "NotificationData": "{JSON Object in String}"
  "EventId": "2fc5bc14-2e0d-4541-bca7-9082b682243a"
  • Each event carries a similar payload structure, as shown above.
  • The NotificationData field in the above code snippet is an object that carries full details about the event.
  • The NotificationData field follows the JSON format to capture several data points about the event service.

Cards Notification Events

The following section describes the NotificationData data structure for Cards notification events.

    "CardId": "de476ac8-cdad-4b18-64d1-08db6be686d8",
    "CardName": "James Babatunde",
    "Currency": "USD",
    "MaskedPan": "111111******5543",
    "AvailableBalance": 31.00,
    "LedgerBalance": 0.0,
    "Amount": 20.00,
    "Narration": "Withdrawal card funds in de476ac8-cdad-4b18-64d1-08db6be686d8/DEBF992741A0387804C390AADE0AEFF0B0D3F49",
    "Reference": "DEBF992741A0387804C390AADE0AEFF0B0D3F49",
    "TransactionType": "DEBIT",
    "Status": "Approved",
    "TransactionStatus": "Success",
    "TransactionDate": "2/7/2024 12:00:00 AM",
    "GatewayResponseMessage": "Transaction Successful"

The following table describes the fields of the Cards NotificationData received.

CardIdUnique card identifier
CardNameName on card
CurrencyCard currency
MaskedPanCard PAN number
AvailableBalanceAmount of funds available in the card after the transaction
LedgerBalanceAmount in the card ledger
AmountTotal amount of money transacted
NarrationUser description of the transaction
ReferenceUnique transaction identifier in BaseOne
TransactionTypeType of transaction made. It could be DEBIT, CREDIT, CARD ISSUANCE, etc
StatusStatus of the card transaction from the provider. It could be APPROVED or DECLINED
TransactionStatusState of the card transaction in BaseOne. It could be SUCCESSFUL, PENDING, or FAILED
TransactionDateDate when the transaction occurred